I guide women to elevate their feminine strength, unleash their gifts, and become themselves fully through the art of innate power, confidence, and awakening their potential. 

I’m headed to Paris, France in 2 Days!!!

So excited!!! I’m packing my suitcases right now and getting ready to step on the plane in 2 days.  

First, I love Paris. I used to live and work in Paris for a global company a long time ago and that’s when I got to know and fall in love with this beautiful city.

Here’s what I’m doing there; I’ve been invited to speak on stage at the GLOBAL WOMEN POWER SUMMIT AND EXPO 2024 with other powerhouse women speakers. YES! I’m speaking on Day 2 at 1:00 – 1:30 (13:00 – 13:30) in the afternoon, just before lunch.  


And I couldn’t be more thrilled because I’m talking about sacred feminine leadership.  

Something I know a lot about from my decades as a leader who lived in her masculine and had to re-learn how to come back to herself as a woman catapulting to success.

My speech, called ‘Empress Unleashed – Unveiling the Power of Sacred Feminine Leadership,’ is a dynamic talk that invites women to redefine success beyond what society has told us to mold into (typically the masculine definition). It’s a journey of awakening, inspiring women to harness their inner wisdom and strength to reshape their professional and personal worlds. 

We are not broken, and we do not need to be fixed. We are often tired, work hard, and live in a world where there are double standards that don’t honor our feminine, sacred selves. 

This speech is a call for women to embody their authentic femininity, infusing leadership with intuition and empathy, and to step into transformation. 

I can’t wait to share with you all about my experiences in my March newsletters and on my social media.  BTW, if we are not friends yet on social media, what are you waiting for? You’ll get the behind-the-scenes details during my trip as it happens!

With excitement,



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