SusanElizaabethCoaching - I found my courage

I guide women to elevate their feminine strength, unleash their gifts, and become themselves fully through the art of innate power, confidence, and awakening their potential. 

I Found my Courage

What makes you courageous?

I remember being a young woman, tucked away in the stacks at the local library, engrossed in biographies of strong, fearless women who stood up for what they believed in. Chanel. Cleopatra. Queen Victoria.  

Growing up, I was also surrounded by many audacious female role models…

That inspired something deep within me to live courageously, to voice my thoughts and ideas without hesitation, and it’s shaped my life in the most amazing ways.

I believe the fundamental prerequisite for being fearless is to define your sense of self.

Selfhood extends far beyond your job title or the societal roles you play; it permeates every aspect of your life…

From the relationships you cultivate to how you spend your weekends to the career path you embark upon.

My courage looks like this ~

  • Speaking for my beliefs.
  • The audacious version of me contributes to communicating my truth.
  • Being scared but doing it anyway.
  • Showing who I really am and not shrinking back.
  • Trusting in myself.

Courage has the potential to shift your entire life trajectory.  Every woman has a voice, passions and dreams.  Go live yours!



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