
I guide women to elevate their feminine strength, unleash their gifts, and become themselves fully through the art of innate power, confidence, and awakening their potential. 

Seeing Inspiration in the Power of Femininity

Every person has feminine aspects to their lives, no matter how they identify their gender. And that simple fact inspires me. So, I got creative with it in my journal and created a bit of poetry:

We Are… by Susan Elizabeth

We are the dancers, the dreamers, and the lovers.  

We are the believers and the change makers.  

We are the transformers and the light bringers.

We are the nurturers and the givers.

We are the unstoppable.

We are the dancers.

We are fierce and wild and nature.  

We are collaboration.

We are ripe with pleasure to partake in and to share.

We are ready for what the world provides.

We are warmth, passion, and expressiveness.

We are emotion, devotion, and power.

We are more powerful than we give credit to.

We are richness and wealth of the soul.

We are intuition and empathy.

We are women who get up each day feeding our children.

We are the magical and mystery that awaits.

We are the breath that keeps the world moving.

We are grace and beauty.

We are reflective and sensual.

We are the affection and humility.

We are creativity and play.

We are the accepting, wise and sage women who give back.

We are heart-centered and whole hearted.

We are extraordinary and a one and only.

Those magnificent feminine qualities are powerful. And it’s important to remember that as you go about your day. Lean into those feminine aspects of yourself instead of shying away from them. “Feminine” does not equal “weak.” Masculine energy does not dominate our space unless we let it by forgetting our own powerful qualities. Remember who you are, what makes you strong, and stride forward with confidence. Own your space today and always.

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5 Steps to Balancing Your Power and Femininity

Envision how you want to live as a feminine and powerful woman and identify the obstacles standing in the way. Learn the simple steps you can take TODAY to finally find the balance you deserve.

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