I guide women to elevate their feminine strength, unleash their gifts, and become themselves fully through the art of innate power, confidence, and awakening their potential. 

Setting Soulful Goals and Happy New Year!

As we start to wrap up 2023 and think about what we have done, who we are, and who we want to become as we head into 2024, I want to invite you to muse about the importance of setting soulful goals that resonate with your deepest, juiciest selves. 

Because here’s the thing… when our 80-year-old selves look back to today, she’ll be honored to know how deeply you loved or connected, excited about how you became the best version of yourself in 2024, and that you carved time out to do the “things” that light you up. And that you finally designed your life the way YOU wanted it.  Maybe even redefining success. 

Your 80-year-old self doesn’t care you “worked harder” and “longer”, juggled 50 million things to “get it all done” and maybe pleased more of your family or your boss.  

It’s easy to create a “to-do” list, to make and start to set goals, but what about focusing on 3 things that really matter to you that will be life changing, that you are really craving?

Here are three that I want to share with you that I hope will inspire you:

1. Wellness as a Priority. Wellness is more than just physical health; it’s a holistic approach to your overall well-being. Set goals that encompass not just your physical fitness but also your mental and emotional health. 

  • This could mean scheduling regular health check-ups
  • Enlisting more support for yourself and your life
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Or ensuring you have enough time for relaxation and hobbies that bring you joy

2. Career Reinvention. In the fast-paced professional landscape, staying static is not an option. Set goals that involve learning new skills, exploring new roles within your industry, or even considering a career shift if it aligns with your passions. 

Reinvention is about aligning your career with your deepest desires, your soulful wants and evolving personal identity and aspirations. I can help you with this if you feel stuck!  I’ve helped many women shatter ceilings and change their careers.

3. Rejuvenation as a Ritual. In the hustle of achieving and succeeding, don’t forget to rejuvenate. 

  • It’s never about the title, it’s about what brings us true joy, peace, ease and flow.  In whatever way you define it.  
  • Set goals that allow you to recharge and refresh, and that bring you soulful, sexy joy. 
  • This could be as simple as a weekend retreat, a digital detox, or pursuing a long-desired juicy hobby. Rejuvenation is essential to maintain your energy and creativity.

Setting soulful goals is not just about achieving more; it’s about achieving what truly matters to you.

As you step into this journey of self-discovery and goal setting, know that you’re not just building a life and career but crafting a life that’s rich, fulfilling, and deeply aligned with who you are.

Happy New Year Gorgeous!



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