SusanElizabethCoaching - Stress, or Something Like It

I guide women to elevate their feminine strength, unleash their gifts, and become themselves fully through the art of innate power, confidence, and awakening their potential. 

Stress, or something like it…

I was reflecting back on my past career last evening as I was reading a book that jogged an old memory in me.

It’s almost surreal to identify the woman I am now with the one in the past.

That woman was anxious, constantly caught in the throes of stress. She bore the weight of the world on her shoulders, trying to fix everything and please everyone. She’d often lose herself in the labyrinth of daily tasks, deadlines, and expectations.

She carried the constant stress like a badge of honor, thinking it was a testament to her commitment and dedication, but it only served to drain her vitality.

She had sleepless nights worrying about tomorrow with all she had to do…

She lived life on replay, everyday…

She would race against the clock day in and day out…

Countless awakenings have contributed to my transformation, but there’s one revelation that especially strikes a chord when I think about the woman I’ve grown into.

I am a mindful, balanced woman.

And that’s why I’m buzzing with excitement to share with you a new endeavor I’m creating with a phenomenal group of women soon, that you can be a part of. 

This isn’t simply about mastering stress management techniques or creating rigid routines. It’s more, it’s about reigniting our passion, it’s about expressing our truest selves amidst the chaos, it’s about wrapping ourselves in the comforting shroud of self-respect, appreciation, and courage. It’s finding fulfillment and joy. You deserve to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.  

If you decided that you would approach life with mindfulness and balance, what would your life look like? Who would you be?

Decide what stressors you’ll eliminate and how you want to respond consciously to others. Then, make the world your sanctuary.  I can show you how.

Phenomenally yours,



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