Louis Vuitton once said, “The Louis Vuitton woman is more about a quality – a quality within some women that needs to come forward, to be noticed and recognized.”
When I was on vacation in Paris several years ago, and dining in a nice restaurant with my husband (who is French!), I had an experience that stayed with me.
The staff led us to our table, and as we were seated, the staff brought out a little “seat” for my handbag and placed it next to me. I was delighted and placed my beautiful Louis Vuitton handbag on its little seat next to me at the table.
I didn’t have to pull out the little clip I carry in my bag and place it on the edge of the table to hold it (so it didn’t have to be on the floor), and I didn’t have to find another chair at the table for it myself.
The staff knew it was important, valuable, and deserved to be honored and have its place at the table right next to me. Not on the floor, not hanging off the edge of the table, not under the table. AT the table, on its own seat.
That’s when it hit me.
Being valued.
Being honored.
Being noticed.
This was a metaphor for my life and many other women’s lives!
I deserve to have a seat at the table. What I have to say is valuable, and what I have to offer is of value. I realized that if I’m not invited, I will ask for a seat at the table and wait for the response. If I’m not valued, I will find a new table or walk out of the room or the building.
I don’t have to take it personally, but I can remind people of my worth if I don’t get a seat at the table.
Do you have a seat at the table you want to be at? If not, where might you need to ask for a seat at the table?
I can help you have a seat at the table, just click here for a FREE chat with me and I’d love to help you!
Sending you value, worth and honor,
Envision how you want to live as a feminine and powerful woman and identify the obstacles standing in the way. Learn the simple steps you can take TODAY to finally find the balance you deserve.
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